Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Children are taught a balanced curriculum with core subjects typically in the mornings and a range of foundation subjects in the afternoons. Over the course of the academic year, Year 2 enjoy specialist teaching in Music, Physical Education, Drama, Dance and Spanish.
Below are some of the Year 2 writing expectations.
- To write coherent pieces linking ideas in sentences together (real and fictional).
- To read and check sense of own writing
- To write different kinds of sentences ie. statements, questions, exclamations & commands
- To demarcate most sentences with capital letters and full stops.
- To begin to use other punctuation at times: question marks, exclamation marks, commas, and apostrophes for contraction (I’m instead of I am) or possession (the dog’s bone).
- To use correct & consistent tense in writing.
- To use expanded noun phrases, adjectives and description.
- To link ideas in sentences using coordination (and, but, or) and subordination (when, if, that, because).
- To use cursive handwriting – beginning to use diagonal & horizontal strokes to join handwriting.
- To segment and spell words using plausible phonetic attempts.
- To spell many common exception words correctly.
Below are some of the Year 2 reading expectations.
- To be able to read most common words from sight (Please see attached KS1 common exception words).
- To read accurately and independently, checking sense.
- To read using phonics knowledge but without obvious sounding.
- To read ahead with fluency and expression.
- To read multi-syllabic and suffixed words in contexts.
- To comment on plot, setting & characters in familiar & unfamiliar stories, sequencing events and making predictions.
- To ask and answer questions from texts.
- To begin to use inference in discussing texts.
- To be able to give a recount of the main themes & events from reading.
- To be able to identify past/present tense.
- Recognise recurring language in stories and develop understanding or new or unfamiliar words.
Year 2 autumn term
- Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Shape
Year 2 spring term
- Money
- Multiplication and division
- Length and height
- Mass, capacity and temperature
Year 2 summer term
Position and direction
Year 2 Shared Reading books