Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Currently, in Year one, students enjoy a range of Core and Foundation subjects. Core subjects are regularly taught in the morning and foundation subjects in rotating afternoons. Children are exposed to a broad curriculum including Music, Drama, Spanish, P.E and Computing.
Reminder: Please send your child in their full P.E uniform on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children will be starting Dance lessons on Friday this Spring term.
Here are the expectations of core subjects in Year 1
- Write simple sentences with correct punctuation.
- Use correct letter formation when handwriting.
- Spell high frequency common words (see photo below)
- Begin to elaborate on ideas and use conjunctions to link sentences.
- Confidently read high frequency common words.
- Develop phonemic knowledge of Set two and Set three sounds. (see below)
- Read with fluency and expression.
- Recall the number of bonds to and within 10 with confidence.
- Understand place value of tens and ones.
- Write a number of sentences with simple addition and subtraction.
- Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words.
- Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals.
- Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens.
Continuous Provision
We have an interactive outdoor space for the children to play, learn gross motor skills, practise their reading and writing and learn vital social skills.
Our Maths Curriculum
At St Mary's, we use White Rose Maths to teach Maths. This is a yearly overview to show what topics will be covered throughout the academic year in Year One.
Year 1 Shared Reading books